On Friday, May 17, the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah, a partner with the 1563 Foundation for Art and Culture in the REMEMBR-HOUSE project, received a special donation:it is the model of the House of Memory produced by the students of class III A of the Liceo Scientifico A. Roiti in Ferrara..

Followed by teacher Alessandra Grazzi, the students designed the model accompanied by a nice video presentation and participated in the REMEMBR-HOUSE contest, ranking among the top 10. The jury expressed its appreciation for the “Original work that shows through a well-constructed, engaging and impressive video how each part of the house can be considered a place of stories and human experiences that link the past to the present and question the future”.

With the competition concluded, the decision was unanimous: to donate their extraordinary scale house to the museum, which from now on will remain on display in the education room.

Invited to MEIS for the donation ceremony, the children told the behind-the-scenes story of their project, which has seen them engaged in more than two months of activities during school and extracurricular hours.

The result is amazing: the wooden house, designed after following REMEMBR-HOUSE educational workshops, reproduces to scale the objects they hold dear, from a childhood stuffed animal to music records to computers and video games. Nothing is left to chance: the door that opens and closes the model is a painted library that recalls the entrance to Anne Frank’s secret hideaway.

Everyone got to work trying their hand at small and large tasks; cutting wood, modeling objects in fimo, thinking about the small details and finishing touches, creating and editing the video presentation featuring a young real estate agent.

The III A Student House has thus officially become part of the museum’s heritage and is waiting for you at MEIS!