March 2024 New appointment of “Remembrance Experience for all”, a series of webinars developed to transfer the contents of the project to a wide audience.

IThe next meeting, “Archives: a training ground for teaching”, starts from the awareness that archives represent a strategic tool in the construction of effective training courses. The sharing of different Italian and international experiences with respect to projects for the study and teaching of the Shoah will be an opportunity to discuss common methods and perspectives.

On 9 April, from 2.30 pm on Zoom, Anne von Oswald and Anna-Elisabeth Hampel (Minor – Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung) will speak with the project We Refugees Archive on refugeedom in the past and present; Paola Cipolla and Patrizia Baldi, (CDEC- Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea) with a speach on Archive as a workshop to teach (with case studies), Katharina Freise (EHRI) with the presentation The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure. Using EHRI services and tools for Holocaust education, Marina Sabatini (MEIS) and Erika Salassa (Fondazione 1563) with Remembr-House/Case di memoria to promote knowledge on civil rights.

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